Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Leaving Out the Dull Spots

Day three of WIFYR workshop in Utah

Yup. Kathleen Duffy's advice. What can I say to that? Possibly the most spot on, pithy truth of writing success.

My mind is so full of words that I'm finding it hard at the moment to think of any other gems of wisdom gathered from the workshop. So, I'm going to ramble, and hopefully the words will sort themselves out by the time they reach the keyboard.

Mornings are full of critiques. 14 writer's in my group. I'm happy to say that I like all the story ideas that I've read. My only complaint is that I'm a time freak when it comes to critique and I'm constantly watching the clock to see if we'll make it around the room before time runs out. Drive me nuts. Then we go overtime and I go nuts. I think I'll volunteer to be the stopwatch so I can use my obsession constructively. I'm driving myself nuts.

Had my critique today. I was terrified. It was on the first 8 pages of my brand new YA novel. The only 8 pages I've written. It's a dark love story full heartbreak with (hopefully) enough light to not drown in despair. Hurray! They liked it. They really really liked it! of it anyway. I am reassured that the voice works, the style is consistent. Not that difficult in only 8 pages. And some great discussion on the bigger plot points that gave me much food for thought.

Wobbled out of class at 12:30. Fatigue hitting me hard. I've been waiting for it. Thankfully, I'm still at the point where an extra cup of coffee will keep me running. I know it will be peanut M&M's and diet coke by the drive home on sunday.

I'm almost done with my writing assignments for the day, and Jer and I have a tv date with my favorite reality show-"So You Think You Can Dance!" Woo hoo

tomorrow brings more critique, more lectures, and book signings. Can't wait to check out some of these authors' books. Glad I'm driving home so I can get a stack of them.


  1. Glad you're getting so much out of the conference. I'm curious--did they spend too much time on you? If they did, did it drive you nuts? :)

  2. Oh, and did Kathleen Duffy have advice on identifying the "dull spots," or how to get past what the author feels is cleverness that is really just a dull spot?
